All projects
We support more than 150 organisations every year.
Discover more about the projects we have supported by exploring the information below.
Step Together Volunteering
- Health and Wellbeing
Helps the most vulnerable people – people who can't find help elsewhere
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Stepney Bank Stables
- Social Inclusion
An inner-city riding school, and children's social development project located in Newcastle.
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Steppers UK
- Environment
Supports Black, Asian and Ethnic minority communities to connect with the outdoors through nature based activities, supporting their mental and physical wellbeing.
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Stillingfleet PCC
- Heritage and Conservation
Replacement of failing aisle roof tiles to enhance the energy efficiency of the building.
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Streetwise Opera
- Health and Wellbeing
An opera company working with people with experience of homelessness to provide empowerment, creative opportunities, and improved wellbeing
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Sue Ryder Hospice Care
- Social Inclusion
Provide free, compassionate care to those affected by life-changing illnesses
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Surrey Lifelong Learning Partnership
- Environment
Helps between 600 and 800 people return to learning to gain new skills, qualifications and employment.
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Sussex Association for Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus
- Health and Wellbeing
Supporting and developing the health, wellbeing and life opportunities of people with Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus
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Sustainable Food Trust
- Countryside
Works to accelerate the transition to more sustainable food and farming systems that nourish the health of both people and planet.
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Sustainable Penzance
- Education
Working to bring together our community to protect the environment and create a more sustainable way of living, working and doing business.
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Taff Community Allotment Group
- Social Inclusion
Engages with children and young people, through Sports, the Arts and Enterprise.
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Teapot Trust
- Health and Wellbeing
A mental health charity that provides support for children and families coping with chronic conditions by delivering art therapy.
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