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The Coronation Food Project is an initiative of King Charles III Charitable Fund, working in partnership with FareShare and The Felix Project to drive real change by reducing food waste and food insecurity.

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Frequently asked questions

Have a question? We hope you will find the answer below!

The Project supports the whole sector through a grants programme. We provide flexible grants and seed funding to inspire, empower and enable community groups to find new ways to support people most in need.

We hope to open for grant applications in early 2025. If you think your charity or community group could benefit from a grant, please keep an eye on this page or follow us on social media to hear about forthcoming funding opportunities.

We are currently closed for applications. Further updates will be posted to this website and on our social media channels in early 2025.

Our goal is to enhance the sector’s logistics capacity to redistribute more surplus food more effectively to more communities.  Coronation Food Hubs are a big part of the solution.

We aim to create a network of major distribution centres across the UK, with initial hubs being planned for Glasgow, Liverpool, Northern Ireland and London. We hope that we will be able to establish more Coronation Food Hubs in other regions but this will be funding permitting. The locations of any subsequent hubs would be carefully considered based on an assessment of need.

The Coronation Food Project is inspired by His Majesty King Charles III, and was launched on his 75th birthday.

The King said in his message for the Big Issue ‘Food need is as real and urgent a problem as food waste – and if a way could be found to bridge the gap between them, then it would address two problems in one. To mark my 75th birthday in this Coronation year, it is my greatest hope that the Coronation Food Project will find practical ways to do just that.’

You can help in three ways:

  1. By volunteering with FareShare, The Felix Project or your local community organisation
  2. Donating to the Project – as an individual, organisation or trust / foundation.
  3. Spreading the word and raising awareness of the ambitions of the Project

Get in touch

If you would like to get involved or find out more, please email

Media enquiries should be sent to