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King’s Trust Group

Helping young people across the world to build confidence, learn new skills and start a career.
  • Education

During 2023/24, our support helped 98,640 individual young people across The King’s Trust Group and 911 military veterans in Australia and Canada. The Group works across 22 countries, including the UK, Barbados and Malaysia.

The King’s Trust Group offers a range of programmes designed to help people to build confidence, learn new skills and start a career – whether through employability assistance or specific training programmes. One of their largest programmes, Get Into, is delivered worldwide and supports the development of participants’ skills and confidence, in the effort to close a key gap for young people who have completed education but require training in critical employability skills.

King’s Trust International deliver the programme in India. During 23/24, the programme supported 3,747 young people to gain employability skills. Of these young people, 69% moved into a positive outcome of work, education or volunteering.  As a result of participating in Get Into:

  • 98% of young people are more competent in their communication skills.
  • 98% better understand how to work in a team.
  • 97% are more confident about utilising their problem-solving skills.
  • 97% are more confident to apply for roles.
  • 97% are more aware about the skills they possess to find a job.

In Australia, the Get Into Maritime programme helps people like Loren to prepare to enter the sector.

Loren completing Get Into Maritime

Loren’s story

22-year-old Loren’s dream to join the Navy is one step closer thanks to the skills and confidence he gained through the Get Into Maritime programme in Australia. Get Into Maritime provides First Nations students with job-ready training and pathways for a career on the sea.

“Ever since I was a boy, I’ve loved all things maritime. I work as a delivery driver, but my dream has always been to join the Navy. ‘Get Into Maritime’ helped me develop skills like knot tying, sea survival, firefighting and CPR and I learnt the importance of teamwork,” says Loren.

“Before I started the programme, people told me that they didn’t think I could finish it or even do it at all – but I’ve been able to prove them wrong. My Dad is so proud”. Loren plans to apply to the Navy in summer 2024.

Nearly 90% of students on Get Into Maritime reported major improvements in their innovation, team work, self-management and problem-solving skills and all said their communication skills improved significantly.